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Purchase Indicators
Purchase Indicators

Creating and tracking custom goals with purchase indicators

Michael DeSimone avatar
Written by Michael DeSimone
Updated over a week ago

Using Purchase Indicators, you can track, measure and report absolutely any custom goal on your site.

  • For example, if you’re encouraging customers to hit your Free Shipping threshold, you could set a Purchase Indicator to track how many shoppers do just that.

  • If you’re driving shoppers to log in, you could set up an Indicator to measure visits to the login page.

  • If you’re pushing customers to view their carts, you guessed it – you can pull the numbers with a Purchase Indicator.

Setting up a Purchase Indicator

You can begin building an indicator by first heading over to the newly added tab in the sidebar. Once in the overview, you'll be able to either edit an existing indicator or create a new one.

Creating a new indicator brings up the builder where you'll first want to name and describe the goal you want to track. You'll then need to select whether to include or exclude all the traffic that fits your goal targeting criteria - to better explain how this works, here's an example:

  • The Include & Exclude setting works in relation to all site users. Your indicator will either fire or not and this setting allows you to track those that do and do not fall into the group you're targeting,

  • For example, if I wanted to track the users that bounced from my site I could set up an indicator that excludes anyone who viewed >1 page during a session. This means that I would track anyone who did not register a page view.

Building your Indicator

Building an indicator is as easy as building a campaign - in fact, it's largely the same! We've maintained the same targeting and triggering set up so that you can create goals that are as flexible as your campaigns are.

Add as many groups as you need and fill them with the targeting rules required to reach your goal. Once you're done, hit Save & Exit and your indicator will automatically start tracking data. Indicators don't need to be attached to a campaign to begin gathering data.

Assigning Indicators to a Campaign

Assigning your indicators is important to make sure we can attribute these events to the correct campaign. Unless an indicator is added to a campaign, we won't be able to measure the campaigns impact on the goal you're tracking.

Whilst important, it's also very easy to assign indicators. Once you've finished building, head over to the campaign settings page and search for the indicators you'd like to track for the campaign you're editing. Hit Save and voilà!

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