Yieldify allows you to build a multitude of consumer experiences on your website. We've classified these experiences into 5 types:
Core Enhancements
Lead Capture
Email Remarketing
Where do I see the classification of types?
You'll see the experience types in two places:
Website Dashboard
Campaign Type Counter
Campaign List - notice the badges below a campaign's creative
*More on Technical Solutions below.
Campaign Builder
When creating a new campaign, you'll now be asked to select which type of experience you want to create.
How are the experience types defined?
Core Enhancements
Core enhancements aim to permanently maximise your website conversions for a targeted segment of your consumers.
They are typically tested against a control group to identify the variant that generates the highest revenue uplift compared to the control group, before exposing that variant to a wider audience. This testing sequence ensures that Yieldify campaigns have a net positive impact on consumers’ experience before placing them more permanently on a website.
Core Enhancement experience characteristics:
Design: Does not contain lead capture forms. *drop down selections are permitted.
Testing: Can be tested against a control group or run without.
When run against a control group (incremental test), performance is measured by Revenue Uplift or Conversion Rate Uplift - read more about reporting of incremental experiences here.
When run without a control group but with multiple variants that contain a CTA, performance is measured by Click Revenue Uplift or Click Conversion Rate Uplift - read more about reporting of promotional experiences here.
When run without a control group and only one variant, there is no way to measure the performance of the experience. It will have no performance metric.
Dashboard count: Experience is added to the counter for the duration that it is live. It will no longer be counted when the campaign is paused or deleted.
Core Enhancement examples:
Category Page Traffic Shaping Overlay
Product Page Embedded Social Proof
Basket Embedded USPs
Exit Intent Overlays
Lead Capture
Lead Capture Experiences drive consumers to submit any personal information through a form that can be later used for segmentation.
Lead Capture experience characteristics:
Design: Requires a form in at least one stage, for all variants and targeted device.
Testing: Can be tested against a control group or run without.
When run without a control group, performance is measured by Lead Capture Rate - read more about reporting of lead capture experiences here.
When run against a control group (incremental test), performance is measured by Revenue Uplift or Conversion Rate Uplift - read more about reporting of incremental experiences here.
Dashboard count: Experience is added to the counter for the duration that it is live. It will no longer be counted when the campaign is paused or deleted.
Lead Capture examples:
Email Capture
Click-to-SMS phone capture
Surveys with phone/email capture
Promotional experiences aim to maximise the reach of a temporary promotional message.
Promotional experience characteristics:
Requires a CTA that reports on conversion clicks in all variants and targeted device.
Does not contain lead capture forms. *drop down selections are permitted.
Scheduling: Expires within 30 days of being set live.
Testing: Cannot be tested against a control group.
Reporting: Performance is measured by Click Revenue Uplift or Click Conversion Rate Uplift - read more about reporting of promotional experiences here.
Dashboard count: Experience is added to the counter when it goes live. It will still be counted after the campaign is paused or deleted.
Promotional experience examples:
Easter weekend promotional banner
Boxing day promotional overlay
Email Remarketing
Email Remarketing experiences aim to boost customer lifetime value by sending personalised emails to consumers based on their behaviours identified via pixels.
Email Remarketing characteristics:
Design: client provided HTML code or image of desired email.
Testing: Cannot be tested against a control group.
Reporting: Performance is provided via the CSM and contains KPIs such as send count, open rate, bounce rate, clicks and unsubscribes.
Dashboard count: Email Remarketing experiences are not tracked in the dashboard counter.
Pixels track consumer interactions on the website for the purpose of either: email remarketing, custom goals setting or audience segmentation.
Pixel characteristics:
Design: 1x1 invisible pixel with no components (text, image, CTA, etc.).
Testing: Cannot be tested against a control group.
Reporting: Performance is not measured for pixels. Only session count is recorded.
Dashboard count: Pixels are not tracked in the dashboard counter.
What Are Technical Solutions?
Technical solutions can be applied to Core Enhancements, Lead Capture or Promotional campaigns. They are custom client requests that require additional technical set-up from our technical solutions team and are priced individually.
Note: a feasibility check must be done before confirming that the custom client request can be built.